Serving Children Victims or Survivors of Abuse.

Sheltered in Art

Sheltered in art is an 8-week program for children living in housing projects, shelters, and foster homes. The program intends to help nurture personal development skills and encourage self-esteem and resilience.

Sheltered in Art

Art is a wound turned into light
Georges Braque (French artist).

The term “sheltered” describes the safe space art creates, allowing children to express themselves through their drawings.

“Sheltered in Art” is a program created to help establish a one-on-one relationship with children in foster homes. 

The program is an 8-week course that will provide children with plenty of art skills. The program includes many art techniques. Each class has the potential to make a long-term impact on creating a safe shelter for children to find self-expression through art. Each color, line, canvas, and paint will be a starting point in cultivating dreamers.

Artistic-Creative Skills.

The program provides children with a plethora of artistic and creative skills:

  • Drawing
  • Painting
  • Brush techniques
  • Improving motor skills
  • Imaginative thinking
  • Storytelling

Social-Emotional Skills.

Kids with healthy social-emotional skills are more likely to succeed in school, work, and life. Social-emotional skills help kids:

  • Make friends and keep friendships
  • Gain confidence
  • Resolve conflicts
  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Learn social norms
  • Make appropriate decisions
  • Resist negative social pressure
  • Learn strengths and weaknesses
  • Gain awareness of what others are feeling

Shelters and Care Facilities served
Children Reached since 2017

Partnerships and Collaborations